About a month ago I visited Just Organic Juice in Salt Lake City - three times during my stay. The Grapefruit/Mint Juice is my absolute favorite. I knew that a one-day Juice Cleanse was my next step.
I opted for the Hard Boot - boosts your metabolism and cleans house. If you have been drinking cold-pressed juices and really want to feel better I recommend the Hard Boot cleanse. You get six juices (they tell you the order to drink) and the cleanse begins with "Green Envy." This starts everything moving and then you just keep on moving and drinking those juices and end with the "Almond Delight" which seems to just coat your stomach in rich almond milk sweetened with dates and a hint of cinnamon. It is delicious!
So, Why A Juice Cleanse and what are the top three benefits?
A juice cleanse is sending a message to your body --- time to heal and detoxify.
1. Give your stomach a rest. Our stomach is constantly working and never rests. Juice requires less of the churning and burning. Your stomach and gut will thank you for the rest. There are so many additives and pesticides in our food and even our stress levels impact our intestines which causes our bodies to be in a state of inbalance. The juice quickly absorbs into our bodies (the fiber has been removed) and gives our gut and intestines time to repair from all the day to day damage.
2. Drinking just juice helps to break the cycle of our dependence on processed foods, caffeine and refined carbs and our food cravings to name a few.
3. Time out for the Liver. Our liver is continually detoxifying and preparing every molecule of food that is absorbed into our body through our intestinal wall. All this moves into our liver to detox...a ton of work.
One added bonus when doing a Juice Cleanse --- You Eliminate all Wheat, Gluten and Dairy.
Last Tip - after any cleanse- because in the process of cleaning house you might loose some "good bacteria" in your gut -- take a probiotic. I use HLC High Potency Capsules by Pharmax. I have tried many brands and these capsules are tolerated well in my body and are not made from any animal or dairy strains.
If you are in Salt Lake near Sugar House area -- stop by and see Lisa. She has a great story to tell and is a wealth of information regarding your health. Thanks Lisa!!
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