Thursday, April 2, 2015

Blue Apron - fresh food delivered to your doorstep

The new takeout---- delivered right to your door by Blue Apron.  The ingredients are not packaged or frozen.  All the ingredients are fresh!  It is the best - no shopping, no menu planning and it all comes in one box ready to go.  You even get three glossy full color recipe card menus with pictures of all the ingredients and step-by-step photo instructions on how to make the dish.  *It takes longer than they indicate on the card to make. 

The box is filled (completely) with fresh produce, the meat is vacuum-packed, small brown paper bags with their knick knacks for each meal.  All food products come in a brown box that is lined and full of cold ice-packs.  All real food!
I really like the concept - it is all handled for you- just pull out your cookware and utensils and you are set to go.  The price for three meals that feed 2 (we fed three on our box) is $59.94. 

Meal 1:  Tom Yum Shrimp with Gai Lam and Thai Basil

The shrimp was delicious

Meal 2:  Corned beef spiced flank steak with braised cabbage and buttered red potatoes

The flank steak was very tender

Meal 3:  Turkey Chili with cilantro and avocado

Test your "hot/spicy" comfort  level before adding all the spice

I would definitely try Blue Apron again.  This would make a great gift and was fun trying new recipes.   There are several companies who deliver fresh ready to make dinners. Next on the list to try is Peach Dish and Hello Fresh.


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