Thursday, April 9, 2015

Branch Basics - The Power of Pure

Branch Basics is an Austin,Texas based woman created/owned company.  They are lovely to chat with and had wonderful information to share.  They created a cleaner base that is totally organic and biodegradable and full of food grade ingredients.

What is Branch Basics?

It’s 100% natural, non-toxic, food-grade soap concentrate (there are zero synthetic ingredients)  made from purified water, fatty acids, coconut oil, minerals, baking soda and enzymes derived from edible and seed-bearing plants.

It is a versatile cleaner that contains NO TOXIC ingredients.  Which means it can be used for just about every cleaning job in your house and you can use to clean your fruits/vegetables that leaves no after taste!   You can also use it to for your face, hands, and body (even your kiddos). 

Even better – it contains no wheat, gluten, soy, and dairy, nuts, corn or tree nuts and is GMO free.  No parabens, sulfates, SLS (Sodium lauryl sulfate), VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) or other harmful chemicals and is fragrance free.  The bottles are BPA free.

Spring Cleaning at my house consisted of only using Branch Basics.  I was amazed at how quickly and very little sprays were needed to remove grease from the stove. 

What I like best 
 All-purpose Cleaning from one concentrate bottle!

This one product can be diluted down to use on your laundry, stains, and surfaces throughout your home and leaves no toxic residue. 

What you notice right away
No Scent.   At first you are wondering if anything is getting cleaned.  We are so accustom to the overwhelming smells of our cleaners that resonate long after we have cleaned.  Ladies – those smells you think are the “clean smell” is really chemicals unleashing into your home and family.  If you want a scent just add a drop of your essential oils for an added benefit. 
Just some of the ways to use

·         Laundry:  1 teaspoon small loads/2 teaspoons large loads

·         Hand, Body, and Face:  Mix up as foaming hand soap

·         Eye makeup remover:  spray directly on closed eyes or cotton ball  
           (no tears) and wipe off or use their little spray bottle (perfect size) for your
           make-up bag

·         Stainless Steel:  Add a few drops to a microfiber towel and wipe over the surface 

·         Grease: (always a challenge) Spray and soak, let sit 5-30 minutes, wipe clean

·         Mirrors: Use a microfiber cloth for better results (paper towels take more work)

I purchased the Small Starter Kit (this is a good way to see if you are going to like it)
Contains:  one 12 oz. Concentrate, 3 empty spray bottles and an 18.5oz hand foamer for only $29.00.  They often have a special running…. Check them out at Branch Basics

Quick Note:   Always introduce new products slowly/carefully with family members who have allergens or health concerns.   


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