Monday, April 27, 2015

Juice Cleanse - Heal and Detoxify Your Body

About a month ago I visited Just Organic Juice in Salt Lake City - three times during my stay.  The Grapefruit/Mint Juice is my absolute favorite.  I knew that a one-day Juice Cleanse was my next step.

I opted for the Hard Boot - boosts your metabolism and cleans house.  If you have been drinking cold-pressed juices and really want to feel better I recommend the Hard Boot cleanse.  You get six juices (they tell you the order to drink) and the cleanse begins with "Green Envy."  This starts everything moving and then you just keep on moving and drinking those juices and end with the "Almond Delight" which seems to just coat your stomach in rich almond milk sweetened with dates and a hint of cinnamon.  It is delicious!

So, Why A Juice Cleanse and what are the top three benefits?

A juice cleanse is sending a message to your body --- time to heal and detoxify. 

1.  Give your stomach a rest.  Our stomach is constantly working and never rests.  Juice requires less of the churning and burning.  Your stomach and gut will thank you for the rest.  There are so many additives and pesticides in our food and even our stress levels impact our intestines which causes our bodies to be in a state of inbalance.  The juice quickly absorbs into our bodies (the fiber has been removed) and gives our gut and intestines time to repair from all the day to day damage. 

2.  Drinking just juice helps to break the cycle of our dependence on processed foods, caffeine and refined carbs and our food cravings to name a few. 

3.  Time out for the Liver.  Our liver is continually detoxifying and preparing every molecule of food that is absorbed into our body through our intestinal wall.  All this moves into our liver to detox...a ton of work. 

One added bonus when doing a Juice Cleanse --- You Eliminate all Wheat, Gluten and Dairy. 

Last Tip - after any cleanse- because in the process of cleaning house you might loose some "good bacteria" in your gut -- take a probiotic.  I use HLC High Potency  Capsules by Pharmax.  I have tried many brands and these capsules are tolerated well in my body and are not made from any animal or dairy strains. 

If you are in Salt Lake near Sugar House area -- stop by and see Lisa.  She has a great story to tell and is a wealth of information regarding your health.  Thanks Lisa!!


Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Garden of Herbs

Last year was the first time we planted a herb garden and it was wonderful!   I had always thought it would be too hard or difficult to maintain. Not so. .. very easy, under $50  and can be done in less than an hour. 

Start with a clay or plastic pot.  Depending on the size the prices range from $6 to $40 at Home Depot, Lowe's or local Grocery Store.   You will want a big enough pot to allow for growth as roots like to stretch or you can get smaller pots and put one herb per planter.  The possibilities are endless. 
Place rocks in the bottom of your pot.  When planting in the ground you want to remove the rocks but in containers/pots you want to add rocks as the soil can become compacted and the rocks allow for proper drainage.  Just gather what you all ready have in your yard and if you live in Texas they are in abundance. 

Next add dirt.  You can buy regular potting soil and add some Miracle Grow garden soil as well.  This was $1.98 at Home Depot last week. 

Select your herbs.  Think about what you cook with and add something you have been wanting to try.  For our herb garden we planted Cilantro, Rosemary,  Parsley, Basil, Dill, Mint and Chocolate Mint.  Three plants to a container is good.  Last year I was surprised how large the plants actually grew. 

If you happen to find a worm while digging you are lucky... add him to your container.  Worms are great friends to your gardens as they add nutrients to the soil.  Whenever you see a worm in your garden you know the soil is rich. 

Water after you plant and enjoy your herbs.  I love being able to walk out my front door and pick fresh herbs to cook


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Branch Basics - The Power of Pure

Branch Basics is an Austin,Texas based woman created/owned company.  They are lovely to chat with and had wonderful information to share.  They created a cleaner base that is totally organic and biodegradable and full of food grade ingredients.

What is Branch Basics?

It’s 100% natural, non-toxic, food-grade soap concentrate (there are zero synthetic ingredients)  made from purified water, fatty acids, coconut oil, minerals, baking soda and enzymes derived from edible and seed-bearing plants.

It is a versatile cleaner that contains NO TOXIC ingredients.  Which means it can be used for just about every cleaning job in your house and you can use to clean your fruits/vegetables that leaves no after taste!   You can also use it to for your face, hands, and body (even your kiddos). 

Even better – it contains no wheat, gluten, soy, and dairy, nuts, corn or tree nuts and is GMO free.  No parabens, sulfates, SLS (Sodium lauryl sulfate), VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) or other harmful chemicals and is fragrance free.  The bottles are BPA free.

Spring Cleaning at my house consisted of only using Branch Basics.  I was amazed at how quickly and very little sprays were needed to remove grease from the stove. 

What I like best 
 All-purpose Cleaning from one concentrate bottle!

This one product can be diluted down to use on your laundry, stains, and surfaces throughout your home and leaves no toxic residue. 

What you notice right away
No Scent.   At first you are wondering if anything is getting cleaned.  We are so accustom to the overwhelming smells of our cleaners that resonate long after we have cleaned.  Ladies – those smells you think are the “clean smell” is really chemicals unleashing into your home and family.  If you want a scent just add a drop of your essential oils for an added benefit. 
Just some of the ways to use

·         Laundry:  1 teaspoon small loads/2 teaspoons large loads

·         Hand, Body, and Face:  Mix up as foaming hand soap

·         Eye makeup remover:  spray directly on closed eyes or cotton ball  
           (no tears) and wipe off or use their little spray bottle (perfect size) for your
           make-up bag

·         Stainless Steel:  Add a few drops to a microfiber towel and wipe over the surface 

·         Grease: (always a challenge) Spray and soak, let sit 5-30 minutes, wipe clean

·         Mirrors: Use a microfiber cloth for better results (paper towels take more work)

I purchased the Small Starter Kit (this is a good way to see if you are going to like it)
Contains:  one 12 oz. Concentrate, 3 empty spray bottles and an 18.5oz hand foamer for only $29.00.  They often have a special running…. Check them out at Branch Basics

Quick Note:   Always introduce new products slowly/carefully with family members who have allergens or health concerns.   


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Blue Apron - fresh food delivered to your doorstep

The new takeout---- delivered right to your door by Blue Apron.  The ingredients are not packaged or frozen.  All the ingredients are fresh!  It is the best - no shopping, no menu planning and it all comes in one box ready to go.  You even get three glossy full color recipe card menus with pictures of all the ingredients and step-by-step photo instructions on how to make the dish.  *It takes longer than they indicate on the card to make. 

The box is filled (completely) with fresh produce, the meat is vacuum-packed, small brown paper bags with their knick knacks for each meal.  All food products come in a brown box that is lined and full of cold ice-packs.  All real food!
I really like the concept - it is all handled for you- just pull out your cookware and utensils and you are set to go.  The price for three meals that feed 2 (we fed three on our box) is $59.94. 

Meal 1:  Tom Yum Shrimp with Gai Lam and Thai Basil

The shrimp was delicious

Meal 2:  Corned beef spiced flank steak with braised cabbage and buttered red potatoes

The flank steak was very tender

Meal 3:  Turkey Chili with cilantro and avocado

Test your "hot/spicy" comfort  level before adding all the spice

I would definitely try Blue Apron again.  This would make a great gift and was fun trying new recipes.   There are several companies who deliver fresh ready to make dinners. Next on the list to try is Peach Dish and Hello Fresh.

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